
Walker Says Decision To Propose Cuts For WPT, WPR Wasn’t Personal

Governor Says He Gave Medicaid, School Funding Priority In Budget

Rich Kremer/WPR

Gov. Scott Walker said his decision to cut funding to public broadcasting is about balancing priorities.

Walker’s budget cuts more than $5 million from the Educational Communications Board, which helps operate public radio and TV stations across the state. He said the move isn’t personal.

“I don’t have anything against public broadcasting, but my bottom line is if I had to choose between putting money there or keeping money in our public schools, putting money into Medicaid, for us that was a priority,” said Walker.

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Republican state Rep. Dale Kooyenga, R-Brookfield, told Wisconsin Public Radio host Joy Cardin on Wednesday morning the cuts can be made up.

“I am positive that the value of your product will definitely lead to more fundraising and innovation to get to that budget gap,” said Kooyenga.

He said if the public calls for more funding for public broadcasting, he’d consider amending the budget. Kooyenga is an influential member of the Joint Finance Committee.

Read more about what’s in Walker’s new budget here.

Editor’s Note: Wisconsin Public Radio is a service of the Educational Communications Board and the University of Wisconsin-Extension.