Lawmakers Set To Discuss Merging Wisconsin Technical Colleges And UW System, Fetal Tissue Ban, Generation Indigenous Project

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Generation Indigenous is a national movement aimed at helping Native American youth through education, nutrition and leadership programs. Our guests tell us about the project, and what they hope to achieve. Then we talk to a reporter about an Assembly Committee hearing on a new bill that would ban research using fetal tissue in Wisconsin. We also talk to a higher education reporter about the news that Republican lawmakers are meeting Wednesday to discuss potentially merging the Wisconsin Technical Colleges and the UW System.

Featured in this Show

  • Republican Lawmakers Are Meeting To Consider Merging Wisconsin Technical College System And University of Wisconsin Colleges And Extension

    A group of Republican lawmakers said they are meeting Wednesday to talk about merging the Wisconsin Technical College System and the University of Wisconsin Colleges and Extension. A higher education reporter discusses this news.

  • Wisconsin Assembly Holds Hearing On Fetal Tissue Ban

    A ban on selling and using fetal tissue gets an Assembly Committee hearing on Tuesday. The sale of fetal tissue is already illegal nationally, but the bill would make it illegal for researchers to use fetal tissue in the state.

  • In April the White House launched “Generation Indigenous,” an effort to help Native American youth overcome barriers to success. We speak to a guest from the Center for Native American Youth at The Aspen Institute and a young Native American woman participating in the Generation Indigenous effort.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Galen Druke Producer
  • Karen Herzog Guest
  • Erin Bailey Guest
  • Jazmyn Espinoza-Church Guest

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