Saying Yes To No, 100 Years Of 4-H

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

The youth organization 4-H turns 100 this year. We find out the secret to their success, and how the organization plans on sticking around for another century. We also find out why we as humans have such a hard time saying no to requests…and what we can do to change that.

Featured in this Show

  • How To Say No More Effectively

    Saying no makes a lot of people uncomfortable and can be very difficult. A relationship expert explains some of the research behind saying no and gives some tips for turning people down more effectively.

  • 100 Years Later, Wisconsin 4-H Celebrates Its Past While Looking To The Future

    Wisconsin 4-H is celebrating its Centennial this year. The state’s 4-H program director talks about the youth organization’s sucesses throughout the past century, and the plan to keep it going strong for another 100 years.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Elizabeth Bernstein Guest
  • Dale Leidheiser Guest