New Report: How Agriculture Impacts Wisconsin Economy, Trump Announces New Immigration Rule

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
soy bean, plant, agriculture, farming
Creative Commons

We talk to the author of a new report detailing agriculture’s impact on the Wisconsin economy. And we learn about a new federal immigration rule: Under a “public charge” rule, people who immigrate legally and receive some public benefits, or might in the future, can be denied a path to citizenship.

Featured in this Show

  • Agriculture's Role In The Wisconsin Economy

    Agriculture has been a driver of Wisconsin’s economy for a long time, but low milk prices and an ongoing trade war with China are posing new challenges. We talk with the author of a new economic report about the role agriculture is playing today.

  • Trump Administration To Restrict Green Cards To Immigrants Who Receive Public Assistance

    Federal officials will be allowed to deny green card to legal immigrants under a rule issued by the Trump administration Monday. We talk to an immigration reporter about the move and what it could mean for U.S. immigration policy moving forward.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Steven Deller Guest
  • Ted Hesson Guest