Rural School Referendums, Love And Memory Loss, Border Battle: Minnesota Beats Wisconsin In Health

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Minnesota and Wisconsin compete over many things, but who is healthier? We talk to a public health expert about why ranking bordering states in terms of health is important, and what may contribute to Minnesotans’ relative healthiness compared to Wisconsinites. We also hear about love in the wake of memory loss, and we talk to an expert from the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance about the challenges facing rural schools.

Featured in this Show

  • The Challenges Facing Rural School Districts In Wisconsin

    Election Day is just over a week away. In addition to voting for national and statewide races, voters will also be weighing in on referendums for their local school systems around the state. Many school systems use referendums to raise more money when state education aid drops. So far 36 districts in the state have passed funding referendums this year, with many more on the ballot next week. We talk to a guest from the Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance about challenges facing rural schools in particular when it comes to school referendums.

  • Wisconsin Life: Active Seniors

    A group of older bicyclists stay fit and enjoy the outdoors by weekly riding one of the many bike trails in the greater Milwaukee area. And we talk to a fitness specialist who works to help seniors live a healthy and active lifestyle.

  • Border Battle: Minnesota Beats Wisconsin In Health

    Wisconsin and Minnesota have a bit of sibling rivalry, but recent findings reveal that Wisconsin may be lagging behind its neighbor in terms of health. We talk to a researcher about why this might be.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Karl Christenson Producer
  • Aarushi Agni Producer
  • Kim Kaukl Guest
  • Jean O'Leary Guest
  • Dr. Patrick Remington Guest

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