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Speaker Ryan Visits MillerCoors Brewery To Talk Taxes, Health Care

Ryan Says Special Counsel Mueller Is Not 'Biased Partisan'

House Speaker Paul Ryan met with Tom Ruffulo, the customer service department manager, at the Miller Brewery in Milwaukee.
Ross Terrell/ WPR

House Speaker Paul Ryan visited the MillerCoors Brewery in Milwaukee on Monday to discuss tax reform, health care and other top issues facing Congress.

Ryan, a Janesville Republican, met with MillerCoors executives to discuss his goal of lowering the tax rate for United States businesses. He said the country’s tax rate puts businesses in the country at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the world.

Ryan also spoke about President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner’s testimony with the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.

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“These investigations need to run their full course,” Ryan said. “They need to follow facts wherever they are. In the meantime, in Congress and the House, we’re working on people’s problems. We’re working on fixing problems. We’re doing appropriations this week. We have passed so many different bills focusing on people’s problems.”

Ryan said one of those problems is repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.

He said the House has passed its bill and it is now up to the U.S. Senate to do the same. The GOP plan to repeal and replace died last week in the Senate, and it is expected the Senate will vote this week on dismantling the ACA as Trump’s pressure continues.

“It’s impossible to determine the final product of the health care bill coming out of the Senate because of all the different amendments they’re going to consider,” Ryan said. “But, obviously my hope is that the Senate gets health care done.”

Ryan said repealing and replacing the current health care law is a promise they made to the American people and are working to fulfill.

Before the MillerCoors visit, Ryan said special counsel Robert Mueller is not a biased partisan, even as Trump has decried the investigation into ties between his campaign and Russia as a witch hunt, according to the Associated Press.

Ryan commented during an interview on the “Jay Weber Show” on WISN-AM in Milwaukee, saying the facts uncovered through the Mueller and congressional investigations will “vindicate themselves.” And he said there’s no question that Mueller is a Republican, noting that he was first appointed FBI director under Republican President George W. Bush in 2001, AP reported.

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