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DNR Board Approves Stewardship Purchase In Douglas County

Deal Allows Some Tree-Cutting But No Development

Wisconsin DNR (CC-BY-ND)

Roughly 21,000 acres of land in northwest Wisconsin would receive more protection under a move Wednesday by the Department of Natural Resources Board.

The board has okayed a $5 million easement with the Lyme Timber Company. The deal will allow continued tree cutting and more recreational uses of the Douglas County land, but prevent buildings and subdivisions from going up. It’s part two of a 65,000 acre deal set up three years ago. Nearly $2 million of the money is from the state’s stewardship program.

DNR Board member Christine Thomas praised the new easement.

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“We’re securing fiber in our forest products industry, we’re encouraging tourism,” she said.

Wildlife groups and the timber company are also saluting the agreement. Gov. Walker’s proposed state budget would freeze most state stewardship deals for 13 years, because he says taxpayers are spending too much on repayments for past borrowing.