Dollar-a-Day Boys
This program is as entertaining as it is important and sheds light on a little known story of the CCC boys!
Bill Jamerson is a singer/storyteller based in Ironwood, Michigan. For the past twenty years he has presented programs on the lumberjacks, iron miners and ski jumpers as well as CCC Boys. Prior to that he wrote and produced a dozen historical documentaries for Michigan Public Television including ‘Camp Forgotten-The Civilian Conservation Corps in MI.’ In 2007 Bill published a historical novel based on the life of a CCC Boy, ‘Big Shoulders.’ He has presented his CCC program in over twenty states and at dozens of state and national parks built by the CCC.
The Civilian Conservation Corps was a federal work program created by President Roosevelt during The Great Depression. The program provided work for 17 to 25 year-old men by placing them in work camps where they undertook conservation projects, such as planting trees, fighting fires, restoring rivers, terracing hills for farmers and building state and national parks. The men were paid $30 each month with $25 sent home directly to their families. In Bill’s program he tells stories he learned first hand from the men, performs original songs with his guitar, reads from his novel and shows a short video clip from his PBS film. The program is as entertaining as it is important and sheds light on a little known story.
This and other talks in the lecture series are all on Thursdays, 12:30-1:30, in the Blue Hills Lecture Hall (Ritzinger 234) on the UWEC-Barron County campus, located at 1800 College Drive in Rice Lake. Thanks to financial support from the campus foundation, these presentations are free and open to the public. Neither seating reservations nor parking permits are required for attendees. Dr. Doerfler will present via zoom, but in-person attendees will be able to ask questions. Most talks are livestreamed at; most are also archived for later viewing at