When you’re paying back student loan debt, saving for anything else can seem overwhelming. We learn how to save money for future life milestones, like a home, in the midst of student loan debt. We also talk about recent news reports that have some questioning whether the FBI had plans to investigate the President all along. And, we discuss the first day on trial for the suspect of the Jayme Closs kidnapping case.
Featured in this Show
How To Save Money When Facing Student Loan Debt
When you’re facing a mountain of student loan debt, saving for a house or retirement may be the farthest thing from your mind. But saving when money is tight is possible. Our guest gives tips on how you can squirrel away money — and still enjoy the occasional avocado toast.
FBI Reportedly Investigated President Trump In Counterintelligence Probe
National news outlets report that the FBI investigated whether President Donald Trump worked on behalf of Russia, and the president is tweeting back. Our guest is a political scientist who considers how much weight we should put on these reports and what the news means in the context of national security.
Suspect In The Abduction Of Jayme Closs Makes First Court Appearance
Jake Thomas Patterson faces kidnapping charges for the abduction of Jayme Closs and homicide charges for the killing of her parents, James and Denise Closs. He made his first court appearance yesterday. We check in with WPR Reporter Rich Kremer who has been following the case about the latest and what we learned from the criminal complaint.
Episode Credits
- Kate Archer Kent Host
- Colleen Leahy Producer
- Jana Rose Schleis Producer
- Grant Sabatier Guest
- Bruce Jentleson Guest
- Rich Kremer Guest
- Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
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