Women In Combat Roles, Montgomery Bus Boycott Anniversary, Asian-American Food Documentary Highlights Sikh Community

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Sixty years ago the Montgomery Bus Boycott began, marking a major event in the Civil Rights movement. A guest revisits the boycott, and talks about racial inequalities that still exist. We also learn how Asian-American cooking relates to heritage and culture through the lens of Wisconsin’s Sikh community’s meals, and discuss the Pentagon’s decision to allow women to serve in combat roles in the U.S. Military.

Featured in this Show

  • Pentagon Opens Up Combat Roles To Women In Military

    The Pentagon has announced that women in the military will be allowed to serve in combat roles, which opens up about 220,000 new jobs to female soldiers. Our guest explains the reasoning behind the decision, and discusses how it will change our armed forces.

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott: Sixtieth Anniversary Of A Civil Rights Milestone

    This weekend marks the sixtieth anniversary of the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, a pivotal event in the civil rights movement. A guest historian looks at the organization behind the protest movement.

  • Food Friday: The Foods Of Sikh Community Meals

    Sharing a meal can create relationships and build community. On this edition of Food Friday, we talk with a producer of a documentary about Asian American foods, and focus in on how food helped the Sikh community of Wisconsin heal from tragedy.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Matt Oleson Producer
  • Rob Ferrett Producer
  • Judith Siers-Poisson Producer
  • Bridgette Nelson Guest
  • William P. Jones Guest
  • Navdeep Singh Gill Guest
  • Don Young Guest

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