La Crosse Fair Housing Study, Gov. Evers Appoints UW Regents

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
La Crosse Business District J. Stephen Conn (CC BY-NC 2.0)

We learn about a La Crosse housing study that shows residents of color are more adversely affected by housing needs. We also find out about Gov. Evers’ first appointments to the UW System Board of Regents.

Featured in this Show

  • Housing Affordability And Access In La Crosse

    A study of the City of La Crosse, La Crosse County, and Monroe County finds that residents of color are more affected by housing needs than white residents, though they make up a minority of the population. We break down the study’s findings and consider policies to increase housing quality and affordability.

  • Governor Evers Makes First UW Board Of Regents Appointments

    Governor Evers made his first appointments to the UW System Board of Regents this week. We learn what comes next for the nominees and where the lame duck appointments made by Governor Walker stand.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Jana Rose Schleis Producer
  • Caroline Gregerson Guest
  • Molly Beck Guest
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director