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Walker Backs 20-Week Abortion Ban With Or Without Exemption

Governor Calls Ban 'Rational And Reasonable'

Michael Vadon (CC-BY-SA)

Gov. Scott Walker says he will sign a 20-week abortion ban whether or not it includes an exemption for cases of rape or incest.

Walker was asked Monday about the bill following a speech at a Boys and Girls Club event in Delavan. He said the Republican-authored ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy is “rational and reasonable” because he believes after that point the unborn child can feel pain.

“It’s an unborn life, it’s an unborn child, that’s why we feel strongly about it. I’m prepared to sign it either way they send it to us,” Walker.

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A bill banning abortions after 20 weeks is slated for a joint public hearing Tuesday in the Legislature. The current version does not include an exemption for rape or incest.

The liberal group American Bridge said Walker has what they called a long and dangerous record on abortion issues in line with the far right of his party.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include original reporting alongside Associate Press content.