Accessibility And Acceptability: How Wisconsin Developed A High Tolerance For Booze
According to experts, a perfect storm of accessibly, acceptability and a sticky stereotype continue to support alcohol’s outsized role in Wisconsin’s culture and image.
Tempted By Tradition, Teens Face Pressure To Fit Into Wisconsin’s Alcohol Culture
Wisconsin teenagers aren’t immune to the state’s reputation for excessive drinking. While rates have dropped in the last two decades, Wisconsin remains above the national average — held up by a culture of lax attitudes, availability and advertising.
History, Politics Shape Wisconsin’s Alcohol Laws
In theory, Wisconsin’s alcohol laws are grounded in a three-tier system, where producers, distributors and retailers all operate independently. In practice, the law is full of exceptions and economic protections, sparking a long-running political fight that has evolved as the industry has changed.
Click: Convenience Could Spur Alcohol Sales
In a growing number of cities around Wisconsin, grocery stores are asking municipalities to extend their liquor licenses so they can bring alcohol purchased online out to a customer’s vehicle.
When Candidates Want To Connect With Wisconsin Voters, They Turn To Beer
Wisconsin is known far and wide for its beer culture — and in recent years, Wisconsin’s political culture has been getting plenty of national attention. The two often intersect.
Alcohol Treatment Remains Out Of Reach For Many Rural Wisconsin Residents
While Wisconsin ranks second in the nation for alcohol dependence, access to intensive, residential treatment programs are generally out of reach for low-income residents living in rural parts of the state.
Wisconsin Wineries Becoming A Major Player In State’s Economy
Wisconsin wine tourists drop about $50 million per year at wineries around the state.
‘I Needed A Drink When I Got Home’
Nurses across the country report high levels of stress related to their jobs. Whether it’s the taxing hours, the increasing demands of charting or the traumatic medical scenes they see, nurses oftentimes resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms — like drinking — to handle the stress.
Excessive Drinking Costs Wisconsin Billions In Lost Productivity
No one wants to be hungover, especially when they have to work. The most recent study available shows excessive drinking cost Wisconsin $6.8 billion in 2012. More than 40 percent of that was due to lost productivity.
Wisconsin’s Drinking Culture Comes With A Multi-Billion Dollar Price Tag
Wisconsin’s culture of heavy drinking comes with financial costs for the state and its residents. A 2013 report estimated the costs come to $6.8 billion a year, but some of the factors driving those costs have only worsened through the decade.
- Laurel White
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- Elizabeth Dohms Technical Director
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