Sentencing delay for Walker aide


Criminal sentencing for a former aide to Scott Walker has been delayed until after the November election.

Darlene Wink worked for Walker when he was Milwaukee County executive. She sat at her county desk and wrote e-mails to the local newspaper variously defending or praising Walker during the 2010 governor’s race. She also worked on fundraisers for Walker, leading to her guilty plea this year to two misdemeanor charges of campaigning on taxpayer time. Wink was supposed to be sentenced this week, but she’s cooperating on cases involving two other former Walker aides, and those cases have been delayed. Wink’s new sentencing date is November 21. Wink’s lawyer Peter Wolff says Wink was prepared to talk at Tuesday’s sentencing, but not about Gov. Walker, “He’s not involved in this aspect of the case. I mean in this particular part of the case, so I don’t believe so, no.”

Wolff says in the end, he hopes Wink will only be fined and not put on probation.

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