Find Your Local Station

Wisconsin Public Radio consists of 39 stations programmed by seven regional studios and carrying programming from two WPR networks! These stations, studios and networks allow Wisconsin Public Radio to serve local, regional and statewide audiences with the highest quality programming available. Looking for a visual station map? Find station maps here.

Printable PDFs of all WPR stations’ weekly program schedules are available here.

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List of Stations

Regional StudioStation / ScheduleNetworksCity
WesternWEPP FM 90.7WPR MusicRice Lake
WHWC FM 88.3WPR NewsMenomonie, Eau Claire
WRFW FM 88.7WPR NewsRiver Falls
WUEC FM 89.7WPR MusicEau Claire
WVSS FM 90.7WPR MusicMenomonie
CentralW267BB FM 101.3WPR MusicWausau
WHSF FM 89.9WPR MusicRhinelander
WLBL AM 930WPR MusicAuburndale, Stevens Point
WLBL FM 91.9WPR MusicWausau
WHBM FM 90.3WPR NewsPark Falls
WHAA FM 89.1WPR MusicAdams
WHRM FM 90.9WPR NewsWausau
W265DC FM 100.9WPR MusicMarshfield
W256CZ FM 99.1WPR MusicStevens Point
NortheasternWRST FM 90.3WPR NewsOshkosh
WSHS FM 91.7WPR MusicSheboygan
WHND FM 89.7WPR NewsSister Bay, Door County
WHID FM 88.1WPR MusicGreen Bay
WPNE FM 89.3WPR NewsGreen Bay
WHDI FM 91.9WPR MusicSister Bay, Door County
NorthernWUWS FM 90.9WPR NewsAshland
KUWS FM 91.3WPR MusicSuperior
WHSA FM 89.9WPR NewsBrule, Superior
WSSU FM 88.5WPR NewsSuperior
WHWA FM 104.7WPR MusicWashburn, Ashland, Bayfield
SoutheasternW269BV FM 101.7WPR NewsElkhorn (WGTD Translator)
WGTD FM 91.1WPR NewsKenosha
W277BM FM 103.3WPR NewsLake Geneva (WGTD Translator)
WHAD FM 90.7WPR MusicDelafield, Milwaukee
SouthcentralWERN FM 88.7WPR NewsMadison
W262DD FM 100.3WPR NewsJanesville
WHA AM 970WPR NewsMadison
W213CE FM 90.5WPR MusicMiddleton, West Madison
W300BM FM 107.9WPR MusicCentral Madison
WEPS FM 88.9WPR MusicElgin, IL
SouthwesternWHLA FM 90.3WPR NewsLa Crosse
WHHI FM 91.3WPR MusicHighland, Platteville
WLSU FM 88.9WPR MusicLa Crosse
WSSW FM 89.1WPR NewsPlatteville

Station Maps

WPR Music

WPR News

(To see a larger version of each map click on the specific map image.)