Underwater view of an archaeologist swimming over the windlass of the “Rouse Simmons” (also known as the Christmas Tree Ship). The archaeologist shines a light on the windlass. Chains run from the windlass and sit on the deck. Some planks of wood from the deck lay bent or broken, a few even sticking straight up. Photo credit: Tamara Thomsen, WHI 120448.Underwater view of a propeller located off of the “Appomattox” wreck site, near Shorewood, in Lake Michigan. The diver is https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Image/IM122855Kimm Stabelfeldt. Photo credit: Tamara Thomsen, WHI 122855.Underwater view of the windlass (on the bow of the ship) of the “Northerner,” which is covered by algae and mussels. Photo credit: Tamara Thomsen, WHI 120222.Underwater overhead view of the schooner “Home” taken from the starboard side near the stern. Two underwater archeologists are swimming over the site of the ship. Photo credit Tamara Thomsen, WHI 119835.Underwater view of the bow of the schooner “Home.” The port anchor is hanging along the port side of the ship. The bowsprit is laying on the lake bed on the starboard side. The rest of the ship is sitting upright and remains largely intact. Photo credit: Tamara Thomsen, WHI 119678.