ANDREW BLAUNER was born and bred in Manhattan, attended Collegiate School, has a B.A. from Brown University, and an M.B.A. from Columbia University School of Business. He founded Blauner Books in 1995.
As an anthologist, he has edited the collections: Coach: 25 Writers Reflect on People Who Made a Difference (Hachette); Brothers: 26 Stories of Love and Rivalry (Wiley); Central Park: An Anthology (Bloomsbury); Our Boston: Writers Celebrate the City They Love (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt); The Good Book: Writers Reflect on Favorite Bible Passages (Simon & Schuster); and In Their Lives: Great Writers on Great Beatles Songs (Blue Rider Press / Penguin Random House); and The Peanuts Papers: Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the Gang, and the Meaning of Life (Library of America, 2019). He is also the co-editor of For the Love of Baseball: A Celebration of the Game that Connects Us All.
His work has been published in the New York Times, and he has appeared on a wide array of media outlets, including: NPR’s “On Point,” with Tom Ashbrook, The Brian Lehrer Show, and The Leonard Lopate Show, as well as Ben Cheever’s “About Writing.” He is member of PEN American Center, National Book Critics Circle, The Authors Guild, Association of Authors’ Representatives, and SABR (Society of American Baseball Research). Blauner Books Literary Agency has also been named one of “The 15 Most Influential Sports Education ‘Teams’ in America” for representing and publishing high standard books which significantly contribute to sports education.