Clara Neupert is a producer for “The Larry Meiller Show” on WPR News. She previously hosted “The West Side,” a call-in program focused on issues specific to western Wisconsin. Clara grew up in Beloit and is a graduate of the UW-Eau Claire journalism program.
Clara Neupert
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Northwestern Wisconsin clinic focuses on helping rural cat populations
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Trouble getting to sleep at night? Here are 5 ways to improve your slumber.
Sleeping regulates our immune system, gives our body time to restore cells and “cleans our brain out,” said licensed sleep psychologist Dr. Rick Blackburn.
Admirals’ president reflects on success of hockey in Milwaukee
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Capturing the stories behind the apple
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Stay on your feet: The power of exercise to prevent falls
Falls are common for older adults, but they can be prevented by daily movement and strength training, physical therapist Susan Frikken tells WPR’s “The Larry Meiller Show.”