Erin Clarke


I started Well Plated by Erin back in 2012, when my husband was in law school. I was in a new city where the one person I knew was in a serious relationship with the library, and I needed a casual hobby to keep myself occupied while he cuddled with his books.

I grew up baking with my grandmothers in the Midwest and always had an interest in cooking, so I turned to the kitchen in my free time. I checked out cookbooks from the library and started to recreate healthy versions of the dishes I remembered my grandmothers making. Soon, I became wild about coming up with lighter twists on those comfort foods that tasted just as delicious.

We were on a tight student budget so we couldn’t afford the “fancy” specialty grocery stores. I decided that didn’t matter; I could cook us healthy food that tasted great without spending a fortune. I started my blog as a way to record and share the recipes I was making with family and friends.

Just two and a half years after launching my blog, I quit my full-time consulting job to pursue my blog exclusively. My “hobby” had ignited a fire. Not only did I want to eat healthy recipes that tasted fantastic, I wanted to teach others to do the same.

Eating “healthy” is too often depicted as being hard, expensive, and bland. NOT TRUE. I’m fiercely passionate about creating recipes that are easy to make, affordable, and that most importantly of all, taste incredible.

I never imagined that blogging would be my full time career, but I am tremendously grateful. Millions of people visit this site every month and make my recipes every day; it’s both incredibly humbling and a responsibility that I take seriously.

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