Freya Mowat

Freya Mowat is an assistant professor with the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Surgical Sciences and the School of Public Health’s Department of Opthalmology and Visual Sciences.

Her research encompasses aspects of retinal degeneration, with a particular focus on aging and hereditary disorders. She has active projects on canine sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome, retinopathy in red wolves, and an NIH K08 Research Career Development Award studying the influence of mitochondrial damage/dysfunction on macular function in aging.

Dr. Mowat provides diagnostic and therapeutic care to patients of UW Veterinary Care’s Ophthalmology Service, also instructing veterinary students and interns during their clinical rotations in ophthalmology. She also is engaged in training comparative ophthalmology residents at UW-Madison in all aspects of clinical ophthalmology and ophthalmic microsurgery. She teaches during the third year didactic and elective equine ophthalmology courses.

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