Mark Riechers is the digital producer for Wisconsin Public Radio’s “To The Best Of Our Knowledge.”
Mark Riechers

Latest Posts
The boundary-breaking power of fasting
Fasting is an ancient practice that’s experiencing something of a revival right now in health and fitness circles. But when John Oakes set out to explore the concept, he took it a lot deeper.
How eclipse chasing inspires generations of scientists
Speaking with “TTBOOK” in 2017, journalist David Baron describes how witnessing a total solar eclipse set him on a path to examine how eclipses have propelled many inquisitive minds to see more deeply into the universe.
Examining the role of Southern Baptist women
Beth Allison Barr is a Southern Baptist who was raised evangelical, married a pastor, and had two children. But being a feminist professor of medieval history can sometimes put her at intellectual odds with the community around her.
The ‘simmering violence’ of Donald Trump and Christian nationalism
Journalist Jeff Sharlet talks with “To The Best Of Our Knowledge” about his new book, “The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War.”
The perils of a ‘wake-centric’ world
Psychologist Rubin Naiman says we’re not only sleep deprived, we are — perhaps more importantly — dream deprived. He tells us why we should get back to our dream states and stop living in such a wake-centric world.
A dreaming mind, illustrated
Roz Chast talks with “TTBOOK” about her book, “I Must Be Dreaming,” where she lets us into her personal dream world through her drawings.