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Democratic National Committee Chair Visits Milwaukee

Tom Perez Checks On Convention Preparations, Speaks About President Donald Trump

Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee
Tom Perez, chair of the Democratic National Committee speaks during the Florida Democratic Party state conference, Saturday, June 8, 2019, in Orlando, Fla. John Raoux/AP Photo

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez visited Milwaukee Thursday, were he spoke about how the Trump administration’s policies have failed Wisconsin.

Perez spent time in the city to work on preparations for next year’s Democratic convention and show support for state democrats.

During a press conference, Perez said that the Trump economy isn’t helping health care costs, manufacturing jobs or dairy farmers in Wisconsin.

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He and other state democrats said that the Trump administration has broken promises to the state.

“It is remarkable that you can’t move forward when you have such utter appeals to division and divisiveness,” Perez said.

His comments came the day after President Donald Trump continued his criticism of four congresswomen of color during a campaign rally.

Perez also said that there are serious issues in the country and that everyone should stay focused on solving the nation’s problems.

He singled out some Wisconsin Republicans and the leader of the U.S. Senate: “The party of Lincoln is dead,” Perez said. “It’s been replaced by the party of Trump. The appalling silence of the Sean Duffys of the world, or the Ron Johnsons of the world, of the Mitch McConnells of the world, is something that I think history will duly note.”

During his visit, Perez attended a DNC financial committee meeting and met with major donors.

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