Latest Episodes
How parenting may help keep your brain young, Tea brewing may help filter out heavy metals, Quick Chicken Supper Skillet
This week Zorba and Karl look at how parenting may kee your brain young, and they discuss how brewing tea may filter out harmful heavy metals. Plus, they share a delicious recipe from an Elvis cookbook for Quick Chicken Supper Skillet.
Lifestyle and environmental factors affect health more than our genes, Racism in medicine, Soba Noodle Salad
This week Zorba and Karl look at how lifestyle and environmental factors affect health and aging more than our genes, and they discuss if racism in medicine is getting better. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Soba Noodle Salad.
Exercising and strength training can ease depression, 100% fruit juice associated with weight gain, Spinach and Chickpea Stew
This week Zorba and Karl look at research showing walking, jogging, yoga, and strength training ease depression, and they discuss a study that shows 100% fruit juice associated with weight gain in children and adults. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Spinach and chickpea stew.
How much caffeine is too much? Air pollution from fossil fuels accounts for over 5 million extra deaths a year, Tangy Apple Potato Salad
This week Zorba and Karl look at research discussing how much caffeine we should be consuming, and they discuss a study that shows air pollution from fossil fuel use accounts for over 5 million extra deaths a year. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for an Tangy apple potato salad.
Muscular strength and physical fitness linked to lower risk of death in people with cancer, Air pollution reduces people’s ability to focus on everyday tasks, Sausage and Kale Black Bean Soup
This week Zorba and Karl discuss how muscular strength and good physical fitness are linked to lower risk of death in people with cancer, and they look at a study that suggests air pollution reduces people’s ability to focus on everyday tasks. Plus, they share a delicious recipe for Sausage and Kale Black Bean Soup.