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Ron Johnson, Mandela Barnes go on the attack in final U.S. Senate debate

Five exchanges on abortion, immigration, foreign policy revealed deep differences

Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, right, and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes participate during a televised debate
Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, right, and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes participate during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee. Morry Gash/AP Photo

Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and Democratic Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes were notably aggressive in their attacks against one another in Wisconsin’s final U.S. Senate debate before the Nov. 8 election.

The audience was also heavily involved during the hour-long debate hosted by TMJ4 and Marquette University, despite moderators repeatedly warning the crowd to quiet down following bouts of cheers, laughter and jeers. And from opening remarks to closing statements, Johnson and Barnes were on the offensive and lobbed multiple personal attacks.

Johnson claims Barnes has “no work experience in the private sector” and suggested the lieutenant governor is an actor who never created a job. When, at the end of the debate, moderators asked both candidates for one thing they found admirable about their opponent, Johnson said Barnes had a good upbringing before asking why the Democrat “has turned against America.” That comment drew groans and boos from an audience that was notably more favorable to Barnes.

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For his part, Barnes attacked Johnson’s standing as a former owner of plastics company Pacur in Oshkosh, stating that Johnson “married into his business” and even referring to the company as Johnson’s “business in-law.”

On the issues, here are five key exchanges:

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson, right, and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes, second from right, participate during a televised debate
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson, right, and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes, second from right, participate during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee. Morry Gash/AP Photo

Barnes pointed to abortion-banning bills Johnson has sponsored, while Johnson renewed his call for a referendum

Citing Barnes’ recent comments that he wouldn’t legislate a specific timeline in which the life of an unborn child should be protected, moderators asked the lieutenant governor for specifics on whether he’d support any limitation to abortion. Barnes largely punted on the question and reiterated his support for a law that would codify Roe v. Wade, the now-overturned 1973 Supreme Court case which established a right to abortion up to fetal viability. Barnes pointed to Johnson’s past support for national abortion ban legislation and a personhood bill that he argued would ban abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest or the life of the mother.

“And that position is too out of touch and extreme for Wisconsin,” said Barnes.

Johnson repeated his call for a single-issue referendum to let Wisconsin residents decide “at what point” society has a responsibility to protect the unborn. Such a referendum is not possible without an amendment to the state Constitution and support of the Republican led state Legislature, which rejected Democratic Governor Evers’ call for such a broader version of such an amendment.

“But the extreme position, when it comes to abortion, is the one that the lieutenant governor holds, which would allow abortions up to the moment of birth. Think of that. That is not where Wisconsinites are,” Johnson said.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson, right, and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes, left, shake hands during a televised debate
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson, right, and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes, left, shake hands during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee. Morry Gash/AP Photo

Inflation and Social Security loomed large

Candidates were asked what Congress can do to control rising inflation, with moderators noting the national Consumer Price Index rose 8.2 percent through September.

Johnson blamed Democrats’ “out-of-control deficit spending” for causing inflation and said members of Congress should have the courage to vote against deficit spending bills, including the “Green New Deal energy boondoggle we can’t afford to pay for” supported by Barnes.

Moderators followed up and asked the Johnson if anything should be done to drive down costs of housing or gas.

“You have to grow our economy, but stop the deficit spending and become energy independent and stop the war on fossil fuel,” said Johnson.

Barnes said the way to relief for families is a “middle-class tax cut” and making permanent the child tax credit, which was part of the 2021 American Rescue Plan stimulus package. The Democrat then pivoted by attacking Johnson for his amendment to the Republican 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act that netted Johnson donors Dick and Liz Uihlein along with Diane Hendricks $215 million in deductions in 2018.

“He has no problem blowing a $2 trillion hole in the deficit by voting for the 2017 tax bill that benefited corporations and the most wealthy Americans,” Barnes said.

On Social Security, Barnes attacked Johnson’s call to make spending on the program discretionary, meaning Congress would have to reauthorize funding on an annual basis.

“And when Sen. Johnson talks about making Social Security discretionary spending, that means he’s coming for your retirement,” Barnes said.

Johnson has repeatedly stated that making spending on Social Security and Medicare discretionary is necessary to save it and other programs from becoming insolvent due to deficit spending.

“The question is, will we have the financial wherewithal to plus up benefits to honor those promises?” Johnson said. “That’s what I’m trying to say.”

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson speaks during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee.
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson speaks during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee. Morry Gash/AP Photo

Candidates clashed on gun violence, incarceration and law enforcement

Candidates were asked what they would say to the parent of a 12-year-old girl who was killed by gun violence in Milwaukee on Oct. 11. Barnes referred to a childhood friend he had lost to shootings in the city and pivoted to attacking Johnson’s opposition to additional gun laws like universal background checks.

Johnson said he would express his sympathy for the mother’s loss and said the broader solution to gun violence is “renewed faith, stronger families and more supportive communities.” He then pivoted and attacked Barnes’ and Evers’ 2018 campaign promise of reducing Wisconsin’s prison population by half, claiming the duo have supported the release of violent criminals and child rapists from custody.

“Keep violent criminals in jail,” Johnson said.

Barnes noted that Johnson supported the First Step Act, which allows federal prisoners to earn early release, and called him a hypocrite for attacking similar policies on the state level.

Moderators also asked whether Johnson and Barnes would support ending qualified immunity, which shields police officers from being held personally liable for constitutional violations like excessive use of force.

“We should keep qualified immunity,” Johnson said.

“I do support getting rid of qualified immunity, and we need to hold bad actors accountable,” Barnes said.

Johnson decried ‘open borders’ while Barnes called GOP immigration rhetoric ‘fearmongering’

Candidates were asked whether they would work across the aisle to reduce illegal border crossings.

Barnes said he supports comprehensive immigration reform “including a path to citizenship” and the U.S. should process visa and citizenship applications faster. He attacked Johnson and Republicans for “fearmongering” the issue of immigration.

“They just want to scare the hell out of everybody on this issue when it’s only making people’s lives worse and making people’s lives more difficult and is contributing to an inhumane system,” Barnes said.

Johnson blamed the border situation on President Joe Biden and what he called Democrats’ “open border policy.” He pointed to bipartisan work with moderate Democratic U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona on legislation known as Operation Safe Return “that morphed into Return to Mexico” under Trump’s administration that “pretty well solved the problem of unaccompanied children and families abusing our asylum laws.”

Johnson also attacked Barnes by claiming the lieutenant governor “wants to give illegal immigrants a driver’s license,” hinting that it’s a ploy to drive up Democratic support in elections.

“Gee, what do you need to vote?” Johnson asked. “Oh, that’d be a driver’s license.”

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes speaks during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mandela Barnes speaks during a televised debate Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022, in Milwaukee. Morry Gash/AP Photo

Johnson claimed FBI ‘set (him) up’ with ‘corrupt’ Russia briefing

Barnes and Johnson were asked whether they would support more federal funding, military aid to Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion and potential U.S. intervention if Russia were to attack a NATO country.

“We need to do everything we can short of American boots on the ground,” Barnes said.

Barnes said Russian President Vladimir Putin should be held accountable before claiming Johnson had praised the Russian leader and said Johnson was warned by the FBI “that he (Johnson) may be a Russian asset” in relation to Johnson’s probe of the Biden family’s foreign business activities.

Johnson said he supports providing Ukraine defensive weaponry to defend their territory but would “want to get a full accounting of what we’ve already allocated.”

“And in response to the wild charge of Lt. Gov. Barnes, the FBI set me up with a corrupt briefing and then leaked that to smear me,” Johnson said, to laughter from the audience.

Political analysts and both campaigns expect Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate race to be close. But in recent weeks, Johnson has pulled ahead in the polls.

On Wednesday, the Marquette University Law School released new poll results that found Johnson ahead of Barnes by six percentage points among likely voters. That was the widest lead for the Republican in any survey conducted since the U.S. Senate primary in August.

Five out of six polls released by organizations like CBS News, Fox News also showed Johnson ahead in September by between one and five percentage points.

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