Age discrimination in the workplace, Natural resources board appointees

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Gov. Tony Evers looks ahead as he speaks.
Gov. Tony Evers speaks before signing the 2023-2025 biennial budget Wednesday, July 5, 2023, at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wis. Angela Major/WPR

A state Senate committee rejected several of Governor Evers’ nominees for the Natural Resources Board. We get caught up on the back and forth and how it could affect state government. We also talk about how age discrimination shows up in the workplace, especially for women.

Featured in this Show

  • Future of the Natural Resources Board uncertain after Senate committee rejects Evers appointees

    The Natural Resources Board, which sets policy for the Wisconsin DNR, has been making headlines again. We check in with an environmental reporter about the latest, including last week’s round of “no” votes as Governor Evers tries to fill open seats and controversy surrounding the wolf hunt.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Tyler Ditter Technical Director
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Laura Schulte Guest