Avian flu in dairy cows, Flooding on the rise, Sports gambling scandals

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Dairy cattle feed at a farm on March 31, 2017, near Vado, N.M. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said Monday, March 25, 2024, that milk from dairy cows in Texas and Kansas has tested positive for bird flu. Rodrigo Abd/AP Photo

With news of avian flu appearing in dairy herds, we learn what this could mean for Wisconsin farms. Then, we hear from the author of a new book that proposes practical solutions to America’s flooding problem. Plus, a look at the latest in sports gambling scandals.

Featured in this Episode

  • Avian flu in dairy cows

    Earlier this week, the USDA confirmed the detection of highly pathogenic avian flu in dairy herds in New Mexico and Texas, with at least one confirmed case in a person exposed to dairy cattle. We talk to a veterinary infectious disease expert about the risks the disease poses, how we can prevent its spread, and how it would affect Wisconsin’s dairy industry if it spread to the state.

  • Finding solutions to the flooding crisis

    In recent years, flooding has become more frequent and intense—and with climate change, it’s only expected to get worse. The author of a new book looks at floodplain management in the United States and proposes some practical solutions for what he calls “our flooding crisis.”

  • Has sports gambling gotten too big?

    Sports betting is bigger than ever, and it’s begun to raise concerns about how good it is for American society and the sports themselves. A sports media professor joins us for a look at the latest in the world of sports gambling, including some high-profile scandals.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Keith Poulsen Guest
  • Tim Palmer Guest
  • Michael Mirer Guest
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Richelle Wilson Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director