Books during wartime, Homemade sauces, Soft skills in the workplace

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We learn about the important role books have played during wars around the world. On Food Friday, we get tips on making the right sauce for any dish. Plus, why so-called soft skills are in high demand in workplaces.

Featured in this Episode

  • War and literature

    The book is one of humanity’s greatest inventions; war is one of its worst. But the two are more interconnected than we think. We talk to the author of a new book about the role books have played in conflicts around the globe throughout history.

  • Food Friday: Sassy Sauces

    The author of a new cookbook of sauces joins us to share tips on making the best sauces for pasta, dressings, dips, and more.

  • Soft skills in a world with AI

    As automation and artificial intelligence become bigger parts of the workplace, employees will be relied on more for their “soft skills” like time management and interpersonal communication. We talk to an education professor about where and how we teach and learn those skills and how we can improve them.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host

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