Dairy farm closures, Cash bail reform

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Heard On Central Time
Dairy cows graze on a Wisconsin farm
Dairy cows graze at the Paris Farm in Belleville, Wisconsin in 2018. Finn Ryan/University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dairy farm closures hit a three-year high last year, despite milk prices remaining steady. We look at how inflation and other factors are stressing farm operations. Plus, we learn more about Wisconsin’s cash bail system as lawmakers propose a bail reform amendment to the state constitution.

Featured in this Show

  • Wisconsin dairy farms negatively impacted by inflation

    Wisconsin dairy farm closures hit a three-year high last year. An expert joins us to talk about what factors lead to losses in the dairy industry and what can be done to help farmers.

  • Proposed amendment to cash bail

    Wisconsin’s legislature has made bail reform a top priority and a proposed amendment to the state constitution may make it to a statewide ballot in April. A legal expert explains the proposed amendment and examines its potential ramifications.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Emilie Burditt Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Producer
  • Steve Deller Guest
  • Ion Meyn Guest