Down syndrome advocacy, New Wisconsin rail route, Financial corruption

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Rebecca Wilson (CC 2.0)

We talk to an advocate for people with down syndrome about her work. Then, we learn more about a new train route from Minneapolis to Milwaukee to Chicago with a railroad expert. Later, the author of a new book joins us to share how money is funneled into the United States.

Featured in this Show

  • Activist talks about her work to end organ transplant discrimination against people with disabilities

    World Down Syndrome Day was earlier this month. Thirty years after the ADA, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities still face legal discrimination in housing, marriage and healthcare. We talk to an activist with Down Syndrome who has spent years advocating for the rights of Americans with disabilities.

  • Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago train route will offer additional transportation options

    Wisconsin train routes are looking at updates as Amtrak announced its plans for the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago (TCMC) route, which plans to begin service in 2024. The TCMC will pick up passengers across Wisconsin as it connects Minnesota and Illinois with one continuous route. We’re bringing on a Wisconsin train expert and Vice President of Public Relations for the Wisconsin Association of Railroad Passengers to tell us about TCMC and what it will mean for Wisconsin travelers.

  • America's own offshore finance system

    Our guest walks us through the corruption behind countries around the world funneling money into the United States to wield power and influence — and what can be done about it.

Episode Credits

  • Molly Stentz Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Emilie Burditt Producer
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Charlotte Woodward Guest
  • Terry Brown Guest
  • Casey Michel Guest

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