Gov. Evers On COVID-19, Advanced DNA Learning, Rise In Anti-Semitic Events In Wisconsin, COVID-19’s Effects On Wisconsin’s Upcoming Election

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Trilobite fossil
J. Carlisle Larsen/WPR

Governor Tony Evers talks with us about Wisconsin’s response to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Then we discuss some of the latest fossil and DNA science discoveries. We also find out about a rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Wisconsin in 2019 and what communities can do to combat hatred. And we look at how COVID-19 is affecting plans for the state’s April 7 election.

Featured in this Show

  • Gov. Evers Talks About Coronavirus Impact On State Functions, Like The Upcoming April Primary

    As of Tuesday, Wisconsin had 47 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease known as COVID-19. Gov. Tony Evers joins WPR’s All Things Considered host Brady Carlson to talk about the state’s response to the outbreak, including its impact on elections, schools, and more.

  • DNA Tells Us More Than Ever About Ourselves

    We talk with an evolutionary biologist about some of the latest developments in our understanding of how human DNA makes us who we are.

  • Anti-Semitic Incidents In Wisconsin Rose Last Year

    Wisconsin saw a rise in anti-Semitic instances in 2019, according to the latest audit by Milwaukee’s Jewish Community Relations Council. We talk with the council chair about the type of behavior we saw and what communities can do to interrupt anti-Semitism.

  • Elections Commission Urging Residents To Vote By Mail, Considering Other Changes

    The Wisconsin Elections Commission is figuring out how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect the April 7 elections. We look at the changes that have been made already and the panel’s recommendation that residents vote by mail.

Episode Credits

  • Kealey Bultena Host
  • Brady Carlson Interviewer
  • Dean Knetter Interviewer
  • Tony Evers Guest
  • Neil Shubin Guest
  • Ann Jacobs Guest
  • Laurel White Guest
  • Tim Peterson Producer
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Bill Martens Producer