Gov. Evers On Vaccine Rollout And Spending Federal Dollars, State Vaccination Turnaround Explained, Prepping Meals

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Heard On Central Time
Ground turkey stir fry dish
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Governor Tony Evers talks about his plans for putting money from the American Rescue Plan into action in Wisconsin, as well as how his administration is managing the pandemic to this point. Then a national reporter looks at how Wisconsin went from a lagger to a leader in getting residents vaccinated. And a meal-prepping expert joins us for Food Friday.

Featured in this Show

  • Gov. Tony Evers Discusses Wisconsin's Vaccination Effort, Federal Stimulus Money

    As of Monday, everyone 16 and up in Wisconsin became eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Gov. Tony Evers joins the show to discuss the current stage of the pandemic in Wisconsin, and his plans for billions in federal stimulus money coming to Wisconsin.

  • How Wisconsin's Vaccine Program Went From One Of Worst To Leading The Nation

    In the early stages of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Wisconsin trailed many other states in administering shots. We talk to a reporter from The Washington Post about how public health officials turned those numbers around, and what it’s meant for the state’s former top public health official’s nomination in the Biden administration.

  • Food Friday: Meal Prepping With Beth Moncel

    More workers may soon start heading into work at an office or job site again, losing workday access to their fridges and pantries. Beth Moncel of joins the show with ideas for quick, delicious recipes to meal prep, taking some of the returning stress out of weekday meals.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Tony Evers Guest
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker Guest
  • Beth Moncel Guest

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