How Ranked Voting Works, Antibody Testing, Argument That Schools Should Reopen

Air Date:
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"I voted!" stickers
Alex Brandon/AP Photo

We learn how final-five and ranked voting works, and hear from a lawmaker about his bipartisan proposal to bring it to Wisconsin. We hear an argument in favor of reopening schools. And we break down everything you need to know about antibody testing for the novel coronavirus.

Featured in this Show

  • Why Some Wisconsin Lawmakers Want To Introduce 'Final-Five' Voting

    In a recent opinion piece in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, two state lawmakers made the bipartisan case to introduce final-five and ranked choice voting in Wisconsin. We speak with Rep. Daniel Riemer (D-Milwaukee) about the proposal and learn more about ranked choice voting with a political scientist.

  • What We Know About Antibody Testing

    As Wisconsin and the rest of the country start to reopen, antibody testing is becoming more important. We’ll talk about what the test does and doesn’t tell us.

  • The Case For Reopening America's Schools

    Schools in much of the country, including in Wisconsin, remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our guest says explains why we may regret doing that and how schools can reopen safely.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Rachael Vasquez Producer
  • Bill Martens Producer
  • Representative Daniel Riemer Guest
  • Philip Chen Guest
  • Elli Theel Guest
  • Debra Saunders Guest