International food systems, Numb to gun tragedies

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
green wheat in field
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

We learn more about how Russia’s war in Ukraine is disrupting international food systems. Then, a psychologist joins us to explain how we become numb to repeated news of mass shootings in the U.S.

Featured in this Show

  • Why we get psychologically numb to the frequency of mass shootings in the U.S.

    Mass shootings continue to occur at a high volume in the U.S., but news of these tragedies are becoming more commonplace and less shocking. A psychologist helps us better understand how we become numb to these stories and what we can do about it.

  • Russia backs out of Ukrainian grain deal, threatening global food supply

    After backing out of a deal allowing Ukraine to transport grain out of the Black Sea, Russia is now actively attacking ports and grain deposits. The attacks threaten to raise food costs and exacerbate hunger around the globe. The chief economist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture discusses the effects of Ukrainian grain on the global food supply.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Royce Podeszwa Producer
  • Paul Slovic Guest
  • Seth Meyer Guest

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