Keeping Teens On A Healthy Path, News Of The Day, Share Your Hero

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Wisconsin’s heroin problem has been well publicized, but what steps are being taken to combat it? Rob Ferrett and Veronica Rueckert speak with Citizen Action of Wisconsin about the program they are launching. Then they ask listeners to get a little personal by sharing their own heroes and Rob and Veronica get an update on our economy.

Featured in this Show

  • Health Care Coalition Project Is Addressing Wisconsin's Heroin Epidemic

    Wisconsin’s heroin epidemic is well-publicized, but what’s being done to stop it? Citizen Action of Wisconsin is launching a campaign to address this problem. The group’s executive director discusses the project and how it will be implemented statewide.

  • Update On The Economy

    With today’s positive jobs report and surging Dow, do you think the economy is on the right path? And are you seeing economic improvement where you live?

  • Share Your Hero

    Share your real-life hero! In this edition of share something, tell us who your hero is–past or present, famous person or family member.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Amanda Magnus Producer
  • Robert Kraig Guest
  • Chris Farrell Guest