Life on other planets, Growing divides in America

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
section of earth as viewed from space
Royce Bair (CC-BY-NC-ND)  

A science writer joins us to talk about her new book on the quest to find life elsewhere in the universe. Then, an author shares his new book on the increasing social and political divides in the United States.

Featured in this Show

  • Finding life in the universe: easier said than done

    The universe is big, and it’s likely that there is life beyond planet Earth. But so far, there is no solid evidence of that life. The author of the new book “The Possibility of Life” goes behind the scenes in the scientific quest to detect signs that we are not alone.

  • The author of the new book, The Undertow: Scenes From a Slow Civil War, Jeff Sharlet shares his experiences traveling across the country and Wisconsin, meeting Americans who are ready for a fight.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Lee Rayburn Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Rob Ferrett Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Producer
  • Jaime Green Guest
  • Jeff Sharlet Guest

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