Online retail decline, COVID-19 vaccine schedule

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
An employee in an Amazon warehouse
Mark Lennihan/AP Photo

A business professor helps us better understand changing trends in online retail. Then, we talk to a public health doctor about the possibility of the COVID-19 vaccine being added to the recommended vaccine schedule.

Featured in this Show

  • The slowdown of the pandemic online shopping boom

    After the pandemic shifted retail sales online, the e-commerce boom seems to be slowing down. We learn more about the recent trend and where it could go from here.

  • What it would mean if COVID-19 vaccine is added to recommended vaccine schedule

    A CDC committee voted to recommend the COVID-19 vaccine be added to the recommended vaccine schedule for children and adults. We learn more how the recommended schedule works and what impact it could have.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Hart Posen Guest
  • Dr. Jonathan Temte Guest

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