SCOTUS Approves Travel Ban, Irresistible Junk Food

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Heard On Central Time

The Supreme Court granted the Trump administration’s request to fully implement the travel ban yesterday, even with pending legal challenges in lower courts. We take a closer look at the issue with an immigration law expert. We’re also joined by a self-proclaimed “junk foodie” to talk about some of the most irresistible and off-the-wall snack foods that we can make at home.

Featured in this Show

  • SCOTUS Greenlights Full Enforcement Of Travel Ban Amid Legal Challenges

    The Supreme Court gave the Trump administration the green light to fully enforce its revised travel ban yesterday, even as lower courts have yet to rule on challenges to the travel ban. We talk to an immigration law expert about the high court’s decision, and what legal challenges could remain.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Haleema Shah Producer
  • Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia Guest

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