Tariffs Explained, Limited Data For National Climate Assessment, Conversation With Governor Evers

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Governor Evers signs SB 19
Governor Evers (center) signed SB 19 into law April 30, 2019. Photo courtesy of Office of Governor Tony Evers. 

How do tariffs actually work? We break it down with an economic and tax policy reporter. Then we learn about how upcoming climate assessments will have less forward-looking data to consider. And we speak to Governor Tony Evers about Medicaid expansion and his budget priorities.

Featured in this Show

  • How Do Tariffs Really Work?

    Tariffs have been President Trump’s tool of choice in attempting to make new trade agreements with the European Union, China and other countries. We find out how tariffs are enforced, where the money goes, and who ends up shouldering the cost.

  • Less Data Available For National Climate Assessment

    The Trump administration has limited climate change data available in upcoming climate assessments to potentially omit worst-case scenario projections. We turn to an environmental law professor to help us understand the implications of the order.

  • Governor Evers On Medicaid Expansion, Budget Process

    Governor Tony Evers shares his priorities for the current budget process, and advocates for Wisconsin’s participation in the Medicaid expansion program.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Lucas Johnson Producer
  • J. Carlisle Larsen Producer
  • Jim Tankersley Guest
  • Steph Tai Guest
  • Tony Evers Guest

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