Unemployment Gap, Internet Avoiders, Wisconsin Music Traditions, Parenting Adult Children

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

Rob Ferrett and Veronica Rueckert look at the widest unemployment gap on record and why certain people choose to avoid the internet. Then we’ll explore Wisconsin music traditions and how to parent your adult children.

Featured in this Show

  • Study Shows Widest Unemployment Gap On Record

    The AP released a study today showing that the unemployment gap between the rich and poor is the widest on record. According to Andrew Sum, who led the study, “One part of America is in depression, while another part is in full employment.”

  • Why People Stay Offline

    About 60 million Americans don’t access the internet–some because of cost and access, but many because they don’t want to. A researcher shares new information about how and why we go online.

  • When To Stop Paying the Bill for Adult Children

    How do parents know when it’s time to stop footing the bill for their adult children? It’s a topic that’s increasingly relevant in today’s economy and our guest today walks parents through their options.

Episode Credits

  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Galen Druke Producer
  • Ishwar Khatiwada Guest
  • Kathryn Zickuhr Guest
  • Linda Herman Guest