Unsafe Sleeping And Infant Deaths, The Hidden Cost Of Jails, BP Oil Refinery

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

As incarceration rates have soared over the years, so too has the cost of operating prisons. We explore how much taxpayers spend on jails, and what communities are doing to bring down costs. We also look at a new report showing that all but one sudden unexpected infant death in Wisconsin in 2013 involved unsafe sleeping. Finally, we get a report on why community members are against a Lake Michigan BP oil refinery.

Featured in this Show

  • Nearly All Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths In Wisconsin Involved Unsafe Sleeping

    A report out Wednesday by the Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin shows that almost every sudden unexpected infant death in Wisconsin in 2013 involved unsafe sleeping conditions – in fact, all but one of the 56 cases.

  • What Are Jails Really Costing Local Taxpayers?

    Americans significantly underestimate how much of their tax dollars are being spent on jails. That’s the finding of a new report that looks into the hidden costs of incarceration. The author’s lead report talks about where the money is going.

Episode Credits

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Galen Druke Producer
  • Chris Malina Producer
  • Crocker Stephenson Guest
  • Christian Henrichson Guest