World Cup Final, How To Toast, State News This Week

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time

After two gut-wrenching semi-final matches, Argentina and Germany advance to the World Cup Final on Sunday. Veronica Rueckert and Cynthia Schuster hear what is expected from the two teams. Then they round up the week in state news and get a lesson in the art of making a toast.

Featured in this Show

  • Weekly News Roundup: Open Records Request Reveals How Much Oil Travels Through Wisconsin

    Here’s a rundown of the week’s top news stories:

    An open records request by Wisconsin Public Radio revealed rail companies are transporting substantial train loads of volatile Bakken crude oil through Wisconsin about 45 times per week. Oil transport by rail has been receiving attention recently, both because of the increase in the number of trips and because of a substantial number of accidents across North America.

    Fire and police officials are concerned because many of the trains travel through rural areas where volunteer firefighters may not be equipped to deal with one of these accidents. By Aug. 1, Wisconsin Emergency Management will have 25 hazardous materials teams across the state ready to respond to derailments.

    • Scientist Models How An Oil Spill At Straits Of Mackinac Would Affect Great Lakes:

      A research scientist at the University of Michigan has made a computer animation of what a major oil spill in the Straits of Mackinac would do to Lakes Huron and Michigan.

      The Enbridge Corporation’s Line 5 pipeline starts in Superior and goes all the way to Canada under the Straits of Mackinac. Environmental groups are especially concerned about an oil spill in this area because of the fast currents that occur there.

      The animation shows an oil spill lasting 12 hours over the course of 20 days could contaminate waters for hundreds of miles. Environmentalists and fishing groups are urging Enbridge to repair or replace the line, but the company has argued that the pipeline is safe.

    • Walker Calls Out Mary Burke For Grant She Oversaw As Commerce Secretary:

      For months, Gov. Scott Walker’s re-election campaign has attacked Democratic challenger Mary Burke for her connection to former Gov. Jim Doyle. This week, Walker’s campaign got more specific and attacked her for a $12 million economic development grant she oversaw as commerce secretary under Doyle.

      The grant was made to help attract a Fortune 500 company to Wisconsin, but the company never made the move. Walker said if his job creation record is fair game, then Burke’s record as commerce secretary is too.

  • Argentina, Germany Face Off In World Cup Final After Gut-Wrenching Semi-Finals

    After two gut-wrenching semi-final matches, Argentina and Germany advance to the World Cup Final on Sunday. Germany beat home team Brazil in a history-making 7-1 victory, while Argentina beat the Netherlands during overtime penalty kicks. Matt Futterman of the Wall Street Journal discusses what can be expected in the final match.

  • How To Give A Memorable Toast

    With wedding season in high gear, plus graduations and other milestones to be celebrated, you may be trying to think of the right words to say during a touching toast. Joy Cardin’s guest helps us rise to the occasion with tips for proposing a toast that will leave a lasting impression

  • State News Round-Up For July 11th, 2014

    WPR’s assistant news director joins us for a look at the latest news in Wisconsin.

Episode Credits

  • Cynthia Schuster Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Host
  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Veronica Rueckert Producer
  • Galen Druke Producer
  • Noah Ovshinsky Guest
  • Matthew Futterman Guest
  • Paul Dickson Guest

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