Zooming out on immigration, Agriculture census, Opioid addiction treatment

Air Date:
Heard On Central Time
Concertina wire lines the path as members of Congress tour an area near the Texas-Mexico border, Jan. 3, 2024, in Eagle Pass, Texas. A divided Supreme Court on Monday, Jan. 22, allowed Border Patrol agents to cut razor wire that Texas installed on the U.S.-Mexico border, while a lawsuit over the wire continues. Eric Gay/AP Photo

We learn about the history of immigration reform, the latest U.S. Census of agriculture, and why effective opioid treatment isn’t reaching enough people.

Featured in this Episode

  • Immigration reform has always been difficult

    Immigration reform has historically been extremely difficult to achieve in the U.S. A political scientist explains why that is, and why the current political moment is exceptionally challenging.

  • Census of Agriculture

    The USDA released its Census of Agriculture with updated data on the previous five years of farming across the country. We dig into the numbers of Wisconsin’s farms with an agricultural economist.

  • What’s standing in the way of effective treatment for opioid addiction?

    Effective treatments for opioid addiction are out there—so why is the problem getting worse? We talk to an addiction and public health expert about treatment options for people with opioid use disorder and barriers to access.

  • Rob Ferrett Host
  • Daniel Tichenor Guest
  • Steven Deller Guest
  • Dr. Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar
  • Dean Knetter Producer
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Lorin Cox Producer
  • Beatrice Lawrence Producer
  • Sarah Hopefl Technical Director

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