Code Switch / Life Kit
Every week, listeners will hear stories about race and identity that expand their minds, and learn practical ways to make their lives better. It’s lifelong learning that ranges from the big picture to tiny details and everything in between.
“Code Switch” presents the fearless conversations about race that you’ve been waiting for. Co-hosted by Gene Demby, B.A. Parker and Lori Lizarraga, the show tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between.
“Life Kit” offers tips and guidance on a wide range of topics. Hosted by Marielle Segarra, the show digs into wide-ranging topics from workplace microaggressions to saving money and more. “Life Kit” talks with the experts to get the best advice out there and help you get it together.