Election Results, Walker’s 64 New Bills And New Ag Policies

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
 In this Feb. 14, 2018, file photo, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, speaks to reporters in Madison, Wis. Walker could barely contain himself with the news Thursday, March 22, 2018, that Wisconsin’s unemployment rate hit a new record low of 2.9 percent. Walker, who is up for re-election in November, sent a combined 17 tweets on both his official and political Twitter accounts crowing about the news, sometimes with smiling sunglass-wearing emojis, once again referencing one of his favorite pop songs from the 1980s: “Future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades!” AP Photo/Scott Bauer, File

Governor Scott Walker signed 64 new bills into law on Tuesday. We take a look at some of the new legislation, including civil asset forfeiture reform, changes to abortion coverage for public employees, a new program to help create transitional jobs for veterans and more. We’ll also go over the state Supreme Court election results and talk to an expert about bills that will affect the state’s agriculture sector.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Colleen Leahy Producer
  • Breann Schossow Producer
  • JR Ross Guest
  • Paul Mitchell Guest

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