Minimize winter with early blooms and late harvests

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Heard On Garden Talk
Image by Hans from Pixabay

On this episode of Garden Talk we look at ways to enjoy your garden longer. First we talk with Mark Konlock from the Green Bay Botanical Garden about planting spring bulbs. Then we look at ways to extend the growing season with Shawn Kuhn, the co-founder of Vitruvian Farms.

Featured in this Episode

  • Plant bulbs now for spring color

    Nothing says spring more than daffodils, tulips and other early blooming bulbs. We talk about how to select and plant them, and how to get the best visual effect in your garden.

  • How to keep greens growing after colder weather sets in

    Fresh salad from your garden is a great warm weather treat. We talk to a farmer about how to keep those greens coming even after the temperature dips.

Episode Credits

  • Larry Meiller Host
  • Mark Konlock Guest
  • Shawn Kuhn Guest
  • Jill Nadeau Executive Producer
  • Lee Rayburn Technical Director

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