Dead butt syndrome, and fueling intimacy in long-term relationships

Air Date:
Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
Women with lower back pain sitting at a desk.
Image by Arpit from Pixabay

Gluteal amnesia is a real risk of an inactive lifestyle. Two physical therapists explain the pain dead butt syndrome can cause. Then, we talk to a relationship and sex therapist about how couples can maintain healthy, connected intimacy.

Featured in this Episode

  • Sitting still for too long can lead to dead butt syndrome

    Gluteal amnesia, or dead butt syndrome, can result from spending long hours sitting and being inactive. We talk about the symptoms – tight hip flexors and lower back pain – with the physical therapy sisters, Lori Thein Brody and Jill Thein-Nissenbaum.

  • The challenge of keeping intimacy alive in long-term relationships

    Couples in long-term, committed relationships often struggle to maintain the intimacy they initially shared. We talk to certified relationship and sex therapist Margaret Berg, LCSW, ACST, of Madison, who has nearly 30 years of experience helping couples stay connected and compassionate with one another.

Episode Credits

  • Jill Nadeau Host
  • Lori Thein Brody Guest
  • Jill Thein-Nissenbaum Guest
  • Margaret Berg Guest
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Jeff Robbins Technical Director

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