Post-hip replacement strengthening, and a surgeon-turned-patient

Air Date:
Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
physical therapy, Roger Mommaerts (CC-BY-SA)
Physical therapy can be helpful for many conditions. Photo: Roger Mommaerts (CC-BY-SA).

Hip replacement recovery includes regaining strength in in knee and hip muscles, physical therapists Lori Thein Brody and Jill Thein-Nissenbaum tell us. Then, retired orthopedic surgeon John Orwin talks to us as he recovers from knee surgery.

Featured in this Episode

  • Regaining joint strength after a hip replacement is key to recovery

    A loss of strength in the muscles of the knees and hips are common after hip replacement surgery. Physical therapists Lori Thein Brody and Jill Thein-Nissenbaum share how to regain strength and fully recover from the operation.

  • Surgeon turned surgery patient promotes commitment to rehab

    A retired orthopedic surgeon in Madison undergoes knee surgery. And as Dr. John Orwin recovers, he becomes all-the more convinced of the importance of post-surgery physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Episode Credits

  • Larry Meiller Host
  • Lori Thein Brody Guest
  • Jill Thein-Nissenbaum Guest
  • Dr. John Orwin Guest
  • Jill Nadeau Executive Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Jeff Robbins Technical Director

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