Recommitting to new year’s resolutions, and the impact of climate change on the Great Lakes

Air Date:
Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
Ice on Lake Michigan
Ice builds on Lake Michigan along the shore at Newport State Park in Wisconsin, Feb. 15, 2021. Scientists will venture onto frozen surfaces of Lake Michigan and other Great Lakes this month to collect frigid water samples in a wide-ranging quest for information about ways that climate change is affecting the lakes and creatures that live in them. Roger Schneider/AP Photo

Many of us set personal goals for 2025; let’s not give up on them so soon. Author and UW-Madison professor Christine Whelan has advice on how to stay the course. Then, the Weather Guys return to talk about climate change on the Great Lakes and answer your weather-related questions.

Featured in this Episode

  • Keeping, rather than abandoning, new year’s resolutions

    It’s late January. Have you already given up on your new year’s resolutions? Not so fast! Author and UW-Madison clinical professor Christine Whelan joins us with advice on how to meet our goals, keep our promises to ourselves, and find purpose in our lives.

  • The Weather Guys look at how climate change is impacting the Great Lakes

    On the Great Lakes, new research shows winter days are shorter and storms are raging farther north on the open water because of climate change. We’ll talk about these and other weather-related developments with the Weather Guys, Steve Ackerman and Jon Martin.

    National Weather Service

    Wisconsin State Climatology Office

    Met Office

    Tropical Tidbits

    Weather Underground

Episode Credits

  • Larry Meiller Host
  • Christine Whelan Guest
  • Steve Ackerman Guest
  • Jonathan Martin Guest
  • Jill Nadeau Guest
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Jeff Robbins Technical Director

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