Sandhill crane committee supports hunting, and solar farms can accommodate crops

Air Date:
Heard On The Larry Meiller Show
Mark Moschell (CC-BY-NC)

A legislative committee votes to allow a sandhill crane hunt and help for farmers seeing crane-crop damage. Then, agrivoltaic research finds ways for agriculture and solar farms to converge.

Featured in this Episode

  • Study committee votes for sandhill crane hunt and helping farmers limit crane-crop damage

    Crop damage caused by sandhill cranes may result in a legal possible hunting season for the large birds. A legislative study committee supports that approach. Three members of the committee on sandhill cranes – Paul Wait, Meleesa Johnson and Todd Schaller – join us.

  • Agrivoltaic research: How crops can be cultivated under solar farms

    Can large solar farms and cultivated crops coexist? Our guests says “yes.” Agrivoltaics is the convergence of agriculture and solar farms, which is the area of study of UW-Madison hydrologist and professor Steven Loheide and professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences Ankur Desai.

Episode Credits

  • Larry Meiller Host
  • Paul Wait Guest
  • Meleesa Johnson Guest
  • Todd Schaller Guest
  • Steven Loheide Guest
  • Ankur Desai Guest
  • Jill Nadeau Executive Producer
  • Joel Patenaude Producer
  • Jeff Robbins Technical Director

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