Bills Target Support Of Wisconsin Foster Care System

Air Date:
Heard On The Morning Show
Child Action Northwest  

Wisconsin Children in Out-of-Home Care (OHC) Annual Report shows that as of 2015, more than seven thousand children were in an OHC placement, which is an increase of nearly 300 children from 2014. However, two state lawmakers will introduce a package of bills in December to support foster care children in Wisconsin. This includes plans that would provide new state funding for programs that support families and foster parents. Our guests bring us up to speed on how this is playing out in the state capitol, how the opioid epidemic impact these numbers and how the proposed bills are expected to improve the state’s foster care system.

Episode Credits

  • Kate Archer Kent Host
  • Nyajai Ellison Producer
  • Laurel White Guest
  • Rep. Patrick Snyder Guest
  • Linda Hall Guest